Adyashanti (whose name means “primordial peace”) is an American-born spiritual teacher who has been teaching for 26 years. His teachings include evening meetings, weekend intensives, silent retreats, live internet broadcasts, and online courses. He has taught throughout the US and also in Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, and Australia. More than 30,000 people in 120 countries are connected to his website through free email subscription. He is the author of eleven books.

    Born Stephen Gray in 1962 in Cupertino, California, Adyashanti grew up as an athlete and competitive bicycle racer. At age 19, he became interested in enlightenment, began to meditate, and became fully absorbed in a quest for ultimate truth. . . .



    Sunday Community Practice meets live online twice a month for deep spiritual practice and inquiry. Each practice is two hours and includes meditation and a talk by Mukti. Check our program calendar to see future session dates and which teacher will be leading.

    Time: 9:00–11:00 am PT. (Preprogram meditation at 8:00 am PT)

    We offer two options for participation:

    Monthly Subscription ($25/month) which includes:

    • Access to two live Sunday online practices each month.
    • Replay video or download audio of any Sunday practice that airs during or after the month you joined. (Note: replays are available within one week of each Sunday practice, and expire after three months.)
    • Monthly subscription is recurring and will be charged on the 2nd day of each month.
    • Cancel subscription for future months at any time by logging in to your account. (Current month is not refunded.)
    • Scholarship applications accepted.

    Single Practice Registration ($15) which includes:

    • Access to one live Sunday practice, to be viewed at the time of the broadcast. (Note: replays are NOT included with this option.)




    Subscribe to Our Programs


    Stream eight AUDIO recordings each month from Adya’s media area and access your selected recordings as often as you like in the same month!

    • Purchase and download audio recordings from your current monthly selections for 50% off.
    • Stream either single talks or broadcasts.
    • $15/month



    Membership Programs on Adya’s YouTube channel allow us to make available a selection of full-length video teachings not previously accessible other than by purchasing them in our online store.

    • Basic Membership: $4.99/month
    • Membership Plus: $9.99/month




    Please note: If you already have an account, see “Stay Connected” in your account area to update.



True Autonomy

To discover our autonomy is the most challenging thing a human being can do. Because in order to discover our autonomy, we must be free from all external control or influence. This means that we must free our mind from all that it has collected, all that it clings to, all that it depends on. This begins by realizing that we are in a psychological prison created by our minds. Until we begin to realize how confined we are, we will not be able to find our way out. Neither will we find our way out by struggling against the confines we have inherited from our parents, society, and culture. It is only by beginning to examine and realize the falseness within our minds that we begin to awaken an intelligence that originates from beyond the realm of thinking.

If spirituality is to be meaningful, it must deliver us from all forms of dependence—including the dependence on spirituality—and help awaken within us...

To discover our autonomy is the most challenging thing a human being can do. Because in order to discover our autonomy, we must be free from all external control or influence. This means that we must free our mind from all that it has collected, all that it clings to, all that it depends on. This begins by realizing that we are in a psychological prison created by our minds. Until we begin to realize how confined we are, we will not be able to find our way out. Neither will we find our way out by struggling against the confines we have inherited from our parents, society, and culture. It is only by beginning to examine and realize the falseness within our minds that we begin to awaken an intelligence that originates from beyond the realm of thinking.

If spirituality is to be meaningful, it must deliver us from all forms of dependence—including the dependence on spirituality—and help awaken within us that creative spark which all beings aspire to. For the culmination of spirituality lies not only in discovering our inherent unity and freedom, but also in opening the way for life to express itself through us in a unique and creative way. Such uniqueness and creativity is not to be found in anything the human mind has ever created, nor is it to be found in our ideals of human perfection or utopian dreams.

True autonomy arises when we have broken free of all the old structures, all psychological dependencies, and all fear. Only then can that which is truly unique and fearless arise within us and begin to express itself. Such expression cannot be planned or even imagined because it belongs to a dimension uninhibited by anything that has come before it. True autonomy is not trying to fit in or be understood, nor is it a revolt against anything. It is an uncaused phenomenon. Consciously or unconsciously all beings aspire to it, but very few find the courage to step into that infinity of aloneness.

© Adyashanti 2009

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Sunday Community PracticePrerecorded with Adyashanti
Video Stream

Sunday, July 28, 2024

9:00-11:00 am PT

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Sunday Community Practice meets online twice a month for deep spiritual practice and inquiry. Each practice is two hours and includes meditation and a talk by Mukti. (Adya often joins in for meditation.)

We hope you will join us!