Fierce Love

Original Course ~ 2017
Self-Guided Course

Program Fee

While we have unlocked the potential of a single atom, we have yet to unlock the full potential of loving and compassionate action. ~ Adyashanti

Fierce Love is love in action. It is loving in the face of hate, understanding in the face of confusion, compassion in the face of conflict. It is selflessness in action and the courage to be an embodied, benevolent presence in turbulent times. It is making the decision to love, no matter what. Fierce Love offers insight and guidance about:

  • Practical ways to step beyond limiting beliefs and fears.
  • How to be an instrument of peace, understanding, and transformation in the world.
  • Love in conversation.
  • Experiencing love and gratitude.
  • Choosing love over fear.

This Course Includes:

  • Course Introduction that provides guidelines for maximizing your experience.
  • Four 2-hour recorded sessions of broadcasts from the live online course “Fierce Love” (2017). Sessions include talks followed by dialogues with original course participants. (Video stream and audio download.)
  • Session notes to help you remember and integrate the teachings from each session.
  • Three weekly exercises to help you apply the teachings during the weeks between sessions. (Video stream and audio download.)
  • A PDF of all Q&A. A 62-page printable PDF that includes all the Session Notes as well as written Q&A between Adyashanti and the original course participants.
  • Audio MP3s of all the content that you can download to your computer or device* so you can revisit the teachings indefinitely.

Course materials are accessible for six months from date of purchase. All audio and written materials are downloadable during this period.

*Downloading instructions for Apple mobile devices.

Recorded March 2017 in San Jose, California.
© 2017-2019 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

You are welcome to gather with others to watch sessions, but the course materials are for registered participants only. We request that participants do not share any of this material on social media or other internet channels.

A 4-Week Commitment to Put Love in Action

At the core of the spiritual heart lie two impulses: one of transcendence and awakening to unity, and the other of Love and the expression of compassion in the world of time and space. Our world is full of challenges and tragedies, opportunities and unlimited potential. To meet these challenges, both personal and collective, we need to act not from fear and conflict but from Love and understanding. While we have unlocked the potential of a single atom, we have yet to unlock the full potential of loving and compassionate action. The responsibility to do so does not belong to anyone other than each of us. For it is we who possess capacities of loving and wisdom seldom fully realized and put into action.

This course is an offering of Love. It will be a 4-week commitment to express Love more fully in every aspect of our lives. Each week we will explore practical ways to step beyond limiting beliefs and fears, and contribute more Love and sanity to this precious life. The focus of this course will be on being instruments of peace, understanding, and transformation in the world. Join me for this commitment to explore being expressions of Love and sanity in each of our lives.

~ Adyashanti

Topics Include:

  • The Imperative of Both Love and Wisdom
  • Wise & Healthy Boundaries
  • Unity as the Foundation for Loving Conversation
  • The Art of Deep Listening
  • Engaging from Awakened Consciousness
  • Deep Compassion in Relationships
  • Selfless Forms of Love
  • A Robust Heart
  • Choosing Love over Fear
  • What is Self?
  • Sensing the Movement of Fear
  • Infinite Embodying of Love
  • Establishing the Unguarded Connection
  • Love Is the Creative Force of Existence
  • Holding Paradoxical Truths
  • Choosing Love in Small Moments

“Fierce Love doesn’t mean to lose discernment or wisdom. Bring wisdom into Love. Have compassion infused with clarity and the ability to discern truthfulness from untruthfulness.”

“We evoke the ground of Love within ourselves and find that it exists in all beings.”

“Compassion and love heals. Unless we can find a way to bring divergent viewpoints together—unless we can connect about something that is deeper than all that—we’re left with division.”

“It is easy to feel connection with family or friends that we love, but Fierce Love breaks through boundaries and is based on an intuition of a deeper, more significant connection.”

“Fierce Love is loving in spite of your fears and judgments. Don’t wait for a better version of you.”

“There’s an intuitive thread of connection between you and whoever you are engaging with.”

“When you give compassion, your deep sense of listening, you also receive a beautiful sense of being.

“In order to manifest Love in the world, we have to recognize the fear-based choices many of us were taught to make.”

“If self is anything at all, it’s more like the wind—a quickly moving process of thinking, feeling, and cognition.”

“In unity, you don’t experience yourself as other than Life—you are Life.”

“Awakened beings for hundreds of years haven’t just crawled into a cave and detached from the world. Their engagement is a natural expression of awakened consciousness, and comes out of a sense of compassion.”

“There’s no perfect way to embody Love or wisdom. You don’t get to a point where you’re embodying the deepest state of realization and there’s no deeper or more embodied way to do it.”

“There is a sameness at the source and the deepest core of our being. When we really realize this, it gives birth to a natural state of compassionate love.”

“The ground of being transcends all qualities. The form that emerges from it is a creative, regenerative force, which is Love.”

“Whenever we bump into the deeper truths of existence, they seem very paradoxical to the mind. The deep truths of our being include all the opposites and polarities, and it enfolds them into a deeper view.”

“It takes fierceness and backbone to be a compassionate presence. It takes strength to stand up for the more decent parts of human nature, knowing that we will sometimes fail.”