Silent Retreat Vol. 68

Omega Oct 2018 ~ Talks 7 MP3 Download 8 hrs. 33 min. $45.00

This 7-download set contains all of the Talks from the October 2018 silent retreat at Omega Institute, including the first evening talk and the morning talks. This set also includes the final morning session (on Day 8).

Please Note: The Q&A Sessions and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately (see related items below).

Talk Topics Include:

  • Taking Responsibility for Your Effect on Others
  • The Bad Habit in Meditation
  • Breaking the Addiction to the Narrative
  • What’s the Context of Your Content?
  • The Numinous under the Total Psyche
  • Important Clarity about Spiritual Yearning
  • You Are the Abyss
  • The Truth in Mythic Stories
  • The Paradox of Differentiation
  • Listening to the Quiet with a Compassionate Heart
  • Working with the Discomfort of the Unknown
  • Elements of Good Spiritual Practice
  • Beyond Oneness
  • The Truth Beyond Opposites
  • The Differentiating Function of Ego
  • Living Your Deepest Realizations
  • Infinite Discovery
  • The Underlying Harmony of Life
  • Where Stillness and Movement Come Together
  • The Dialectic Relationship Between Divinity and Humanity


“We are retreating to That which we are, That which is awake, That which is our true being.”

“You are the recipient, not the creator, of experiences.”

“Longing is different than seeking. Seeking is for what I don’t have; longing is for what originates inside.”

Most of human suffering is caused, to a great extent, by the quality—or lack of quality—of our narrative and the emotions and reactions that it produces.”

The first layer of addiction in meditation is the addiction of not allowing your experience to be the way that it is; to always be monkeying with it, fidgeting with it, altering it, changing it, fighting it, loving it, hating it—mostly hating it.”

“The ground of being uses human beings’ consciousness to become Self-aware.”

“Your yearning is not just yours—it comes from the absolute unknown.”

“The psyche projects an abyss, but you’re actually confronting your own being.”

“Mythic stories are designed to evoke deeper truth or wholeness in you.”

“We are using the functionality of ego to extract ourselves from it.”

“We have the capacity to differentiate in order to transcend differentiation.”

“The very thing that causes separation allows us to recognize unity. The challenge is that we can get stuck in differentiation.”

“The undercurrent of spiritual practice is that you look within, and wherever you find yourself, you let go.”

“A good spiritual practice gets you to checkmate as fast as possible.”

“When we find the absence of turbulence within, we find presence.”

“The truth of our being lies beyond opposites.”

“To the extent that ego has been immersed in its own ground, in its own source, it is transformed by the encounter.”

“‘Sacred’ only has any real meaning as opposed to something that’s not sacred.”

“You don’t have to wait to have a great awakening to get on with the business of embodying the deepest, most meaningful experience of being that you know.”

Recorded in Rhinebeck, New York on October 5-12, 2018.
© 2018 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-763