Our deepest nature is something that is a nothing—but it’s not an ordinary nothing. Adyashanti takes us on an intuitive exploration of the spiritual instinct that wants to know the truth of our being. He invites you to look within in a different way to find the true, mysterious nothingness that we ultimately are. (Includes a guided meditation.)
Talk Topics:
Q&A Topic:
“You’re a mystery in the same way the divine is a mystery.”
“You don’t really find God until you realize that you don’t really know what God is.”
“It’s the quality of your attention that’s going to dictate what you see and what you realize."
“We each have a way that our spiritual instinct speaks to us—the particular line and curve of whatever we’re longing for. It’s the way something quite deep inside of us keeps trying to get our attention.”
“The truth of our being is not a little needle in a haystack—it’s like the haystack. If you ever want to hide something, hide it out in the open.”
“Awakening to the truth of your being can happen at any time, before or after you get everything cleaned up and cleared up. The biggest requirement is probably letting go of believing that there are requirements.”
Recorded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on April 13, 2019.
© 2019 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.