This 7-download set includes all of the Q&A sessions with Adyashanti and retreat attendees during the April silent retreat at Garrision Institute.
Please Note: The Talks and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately.
Q&A Session Topics Include:
“There is something about you that casts no image in the mind. It’s looking through your eyes—it’s an immensity of nothingness.”
“By going through the nothingness, we fall into the everythingness.”
“When you don’t find yourself as you look inside, that’s the mystery of you.”
“Awakening moments happen in an instant, and then we have a whole human lifetime to process and realize what we have seen.”
“Nobody can teach you meditation. You get guidance into the atmosphere of meditation and meditation finds you.”
“Awakening comes with the shift of attention from what I’m experiencing to who is experiencing it.”
“Penetrate the façade of meaninglessness by knowing that there is a deeper reality.”
“The closest definition to the ‘I’ is ‘knowing unknownness.’”
“Trace judgment back to the place inside that is afraid and hurt.”
“The mind will use anything to distract from the ground of being. It is treading water on the void.”
“Everything is simultaneously perfectly okay and a complete catastrophe.
“Life will break your heart—but it’s meant to break your heart open.”
“The ‘no-self’ is a dimension that is meaning-free, not meaningless.”
“The ground of being is beyond self and self-consciousness. It recognizes itself and knows itself, but it has no identity. It is prior to ‘I am,’ prior to being, and beyond presence.”
“True nature is beyond good and bad, right or wrong. It is the capacity to hold both.”
Recorded at Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York on April 5-12, 2019.
© 2019 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.