This 6-download set includes all of the Q&A sessions with Adyashanti and retreat attendees during the October 2019 silent retreat at Omega Institute.
Please Note: The Talks and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately.
Q&A Session Topics Include:
“The chaotic dimension isn’t evil; it’s just a part of life that is unstructured.”
“When you’re in ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts,’ you’re not connected to the actual experience of the body.”
“Real love returns for everything. It doesn’t leave anything behind until all the sorrow has found a home in your heart.”;
“Love is vast, open, and clear. It transcends all our experience of loving.”
“Pay close attention to anything in your mind that mistakes love and compassion for a savior complex.”
“Safety is when you stand in your own authority and occupy your own space.”
“Spiritual inquiry is a means to achieve realization—it does not mean we use it to dismiss difficult situations in our lives.”
“In the end, it comes down to devotion and a heartfelt love affair with Truth.”
“How would we move in the world if everything was the face of God?”
“The desire to go back to a spiritual awakening experience is a denial of the perfume that remains.”
“Regarding the balance between being and becoming, a very open curiosity is what’s needed to keep inquiry from becoming the pursuit of the next thing.”
“Control is the flipside of fear.”
“Inquiry is a nice tool but you have to do it in a precise way until you feel yourself to be a mystery.”
“One of the things about the unified vision is that it’s a union of knowing and unknowing.”
Recorded at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York on October 11-18, 2019.
© 2019 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.