Silent Retreat Vol. 80 ~ Q&A Sessions

Summer 2021 Online Retreat 5 MP3 Download 8 hrs. 3 min. $40.00  $30.00

This 5-download set includes all of the evening Q&A sessions with Adyashanti during the Summer 2021 online retreat during which he responded to emailed questions.

Please Note: The Talks and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately.

Q&A Session Topics Include:

  • Key Techniques for Meditation
  • Terror of the Unknown
  • From Will to Willingness
  • Accessing the Ground of Being through the Hara
  • Embodying the Absolute
  • Beyond the Opposites of Self or No-Self
  • Losing Faith Along the Spiritual Journey
  • Getting Beneath Worthiness or Unworthiness
  • The Awakeness that’s Always There
  • The Role of Trust in Self-Realization
  • Deep Ancestral Fear
  • Recognizing Identity within Thought
  • Letting Your Heart Break into Compassion
  • Emotional Meditative Healing


“Meditation isn't the place where you're engaging the fixer, the one that wants to fix you and change you and make your experience just right. That's the egoic operating system.”

“Awareness isn't in an argument with what is. It's the mind that's in an argument with what is.”

“There can't be any real transformation as long as we're clinging to what we know.”

“There are access points in the body for different dimensions of Being.”

“Awareness is already embodied. The seer and the seen are one. Awareness and its objects are already one. The only question is do we experience that?”

“The ultimate reality isn’t about no-self. The ultimate is something if we could take no-self and self and push them together.”

“One of the best ways to embody a realization is just to get completely honest and truthful for a day or a week. Try it on. And all of a sudden you see it’s not quite as simple and straightforward as you think it is.”

“We can be seduced into thinking we see God or the Buddha in something exquisite and beautiful but we’re not really seeing true nature until we can see it in a dumpster, in a pair of shoes, or in the shirt we’re wearing.”

“You can be your true nature, but it can't turn around and see itself.”

“Let your heart break, but let it break all the way open.”

“The understanding of no separate self is different than the experience of no separate self.”

“Most of embodiment is staying connected to your depth.”

Recorded in Santa Cruz, California on July 19-23, 2021.
© 2021 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: MED-1183

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