The Truth that Is Always Present

Newly Released Classic ~ May 19, 2003 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 58 min. $10.00

In this talk, Adyashanti delves into two aspects of the eternally present truth. First, how do we inquire into the truth of who we are? Second, once we awaken to that which we are, how do we live our lives as an embodiment of that truth? In dialogues with participants, Adyashanti guides both the questioner and the viewer in an experiential inquiry into the following topics: oscillating between being and conditioning, outgrowing friends, dealing with prolonged suffering, the death of self image, speaking truth in the midst of conflict, and authentic love.

Quote from this Video: “When you start to realize the truth that always is, you start to realize you don’t have to change your state—your emotional state, your intellectual state, your feeling state. You don’t have to change your state to get to the truth, because the truth is what always is.”

Please Note: This recording was formerly available on DVD.

Recorded in Santa Barbara, California on May 19, 2003.
© 2003-2024 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: MED-1252

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