Affectionate Awareness

November 18, 2009 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 51 min. $10.00

It is possible to become open and available to an intelligence, love, and wisdom that is bigger than your mind or any idea you have of yourself. This satsang with Adyashanti begins with a talk and follows with answers to emailed questions and dialogues with callers.

Topics Include: Clarifying Your Question / The Space that Grace Enters / Stumbling Upon the Right Balance / The Commentator in the Mind / How the Quiet Presence Moves / Planning and Control / "How Do I Know the Right Thing to Do?" / "I Can't Stand Being Around Egos"

Quotes from This Download: "Grace is not a haphazard thing. It's always here, always available. The question is, are we in a receptive mood?"

"The more complicated we make spirituality, the less effective it is."

"Never forget, you're not in control."

"Open your whole being from your neck down, and feel the warmth of presence."

© 2009 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-87