“The divine individual is an autonomous, unique, and awake expression of the unity of existence. Her enlightened individuality is not won at the expense of her intimate oneness with all of life, but is rather an embodied, unique, and autonomous expression of that unity. The divine individual has not only realized and awakened to her inherent divinity; she has also embodied it within her humanity and unique individuality. And individuality is not a manifestation of egocentric separation, but is rather an individual and autonomous expression of the unity of being.” ~ Adyashanti
As Adyashanti has witnessed, people who have really integrated spiritual awakening into their everyday lives always have a profound self-transcendent value that orients their expression in life. There is a sincere devotion to love and truth that not only recognizes unity beyond separation, but within that unity, embraces our profound aloneness as well as every unique aspect of our humanness, both inside and outside ourselves. Explore this embodiment of realization in the Boulder 2018 Intensive as Adyashanti reveals intricacies of the never-ending path of enlightened individuality.
Talk Topics Include:
Q&A Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download Set:
“The most important aspect of meditation is simply the attitude that we bring to it.”
“Often when we have a profound spiritual shift, what we realize is that we’re something much more like awareness than a person. That’s not the experience of unity, as you have just switched alliances on the pole of separation.”
“Here’s another definition of unity, and a very embodied one: a unity of all the psychological forces within us, so they’re functioning as a harmonious whole.”
“Only by embracing our aloneness do we finally get beyond seeing ourselves through the eyes of others.”
“We can’t be loving, caring, or wise if we don’t start to treat our experience of being with a little dignity. Everything has a right to be.”
“If we don't have a self-transcending value to orient around, our lives become chaotic.”
“Engage in the very transformation that you want to see in the world.”
“It seems as though our humanness has an infinite capacity to embody and express the infinite. How could there be an end to embodying the infinite?”
Recorded in Boulder, Colorado on May 5-6, 2018.
© 2018 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.