Freedom in Every State

Oakland Meeting 1/30/16 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 53 min. $10.00 OTHER FORMATS:  DVDs

It is common in spirituality to think that freedom comes from sustaining a particular state. Yet as Adyashanti points out, true freedom is not about maintaining a certain perspective, but rather, it entails the complete allowing of the vast array of human experiences. He clearly shows how ultimate reality can’t be defined as a state, but is actually present in every state.

Talk Topics Include:

  • Undefinable Reality
  • Conditioned Views of God
  • The Infinite Can’t Be Made Static
  • Freedom beyond Particular Experiences
  • The One Reality within All States

Q&A Topics Include:

  • Everything Matters and Doesn’t Matter
  • The Great Doorway of Not Knowing

Quotes from this Download:  

“If you try to freeze life into one state, you will never succeed.”

“Reality can experience itself as confused, as afraid, and as bored . . . it can present itself as truth or untruth.”

“The freedom of the One to take a vast array of perspectives is a different kind of freedom than the freedom the human being wants to set up.”

Recorded in Oakland, California on January 30, 2016.
© 2016 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-600

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