As a sequel to the popular Guided Meditations, Volume 1, this 4-download set contains four more powerful guided meditations led by Adyashanti during live events. These selected meditations focus on dissolving any illusory sense of self/division and bringing to light a more conscious recognition of the unification of all existence. Meditation topics include:
Please Note: These meditations were selected from previously released recordings of retreat guided meditation download sets and the CD album, "The Nature of Illusion." Each meditation includes a guided meditation followed by approximately ten minutes of silence and a bell.
Recorded at The Nature of Illusion intensive in Los Gatos, California on Apr. 15, 2007 and retreats with Adyashanti: Sept. 19, 2011, Nov. 30, 2011, and Feb. 5, 2012.
© 2007-2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.