Adyashanti invites us beyond spiritual “stuckness,” disorientation, and the “limbo zone” with practical guidance in the form of specific questions for inquiry. He follows with answers to emailed questions and dialogues with callers from Texas, Canada, and Australia.
Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
“Our capacity to let go is intimately connected to our willingness to be shown something we don’t want to see. Can we see without judgment, without blame, without guilt?”
“Suffering is a biological way that nature tells us we’re in opposition to what is. There is no way to be in opposition to what is and feel good at the same time.”
“Negative energy is sticky and it usually sticks to people who don’t have a clear sense of their own presence.”
“Never underestimate the intelligence of illusion.”
Recorded on February 2, 2011.
© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.