Opening to the Void

October 2, 2013 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 36 min. $10.00

There is a void of vast emptiness at the core of the ego structure. Most people have their ways of avoiding it, such as drugs, success, money, power, celebrity, or spiritual experiences. In this advanced talk, Adyashanti reveals what we might encounter if we open to the void and use it as a portal to the greater Void of the absolute Infinite. In related email answers and dialogues with callers, he talks about realizing the capacity of the ultimate Source, becoming grounded in the ordinary, and transitioning to a new way of being.

Topics Include:

  • How the Mind Scares Itself
  • Beyond the Mental Me
  • Short-Circuiting the Mind
  • Falling into Immensity
  • Finding Equilibrium after the Void
  • When the Aperture Closes
  • Intrinsic Peace and Freedom
  • Seeing the Unseen in Everything
  • Humanity as an Aspect of the Infinite
  • The Absolute Absence No Mind Can Conceptualize
  • Living in the World of What Is
  • Evoking Your Deeper Nature

Quotes from this Talk:

“The mental me is a pseudo-self. It’s not something you can fight with. . . . You can’t kill an illusion.”

“When the self drops away, the ultimate nature of reality is not experienced through the medium of self, but directly and unadorned.”

“When we begin to open to the void, we stop running from it. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Just allow yourself to go into it.”

“When you recognize that voidness in you, you have a sense of what was animating historical figures like Jesus and the Buddha. Even time is within that Void.”

“Every moment of your life belongs to the Infinite.”

Recorded on October 2, 2013.
© 2013 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-170