Reality-Oriented Spirituality

August 2, 2009 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 45 min. $10.00

Spirituality is often seen as a means to make our lives better. Yet the real truth is that there is nothing in the spiritual search for the “me.” Adyashanti reveals how a shift from a self-oriented focus to a reality-oriented focus actually liberates our self-preoccupied psychology. With this perspective, we can see that nothing is really a problem and experience the essence and intimacy of all things.

Topics Include:

  • What Is Spirituality About?
  • The Real Drive of Existence
  • Answering Spiritual Questions
  • Fully Entering Aloneness
  • What Happens When We Let Go?
  • There’s No Way Out
  • Awareness Is Awake
  • Trust the Silence 

Quotes from this Download:

“The spiritual impulse will put you through anything it needs to in order to open your eyes.”

“Every question reveals a world view, a pointer to where you are stuck.”

“Enter fully into your aloneness for one moment—then you experience the oneness of all things.”

Recorded in Palo Alto, California, on August 2, 2009.
© 2009 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-120

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