Are you resting as the ground of being or driven by the noise inside? Adyashanti emphasizes how we commonly identify with the fictional stories of our internal narrative. When we come to recognize the unconditioned awareness from which these stories arise, this recognition holds transformative power—a fundamental shift of identification begins, and we phase into a deep resting as the natural ground of being.
Topics Include: Recognizing Internal Silence
Quotes from this Download:
“Insight shows us that the whole internal narrative is empty because it pertains to someone who doesn’t exist.”
“A fundamental shift in identification begins when the ground of being recognizes itself.”
“That which notices manifestation is itself unmanifest.”
“Notice the whole game is based on a misunderstanding, and in that moment, the game is gone.”
Recorded in Santa Cruz, California, on February 18, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.