Silent Retreat Vol. 53

Tahoe Sept 2016 ~ Q&A Sessions 6 MP3 Download 11 hrs. 16 min. $50.00

This 6-download set includes all of the Q&A sessions with Adyashanti and retreat attendees during the September 2016 silent retreat at Granlibakken Conference Center.

Please Note: The Talks and Guided Meditations from this retreat must be purchased separately and are also available in download form.

Q&A Session Topics Include:

  • The Difference between Consciousness and Awareness
  • Allowing Getting Lost in Thought
  • How Letting Go Is Acceptance
  • Experiencing the Gift of Grief
  • The Already Surrendered State
  • The Infinite Influences on Every Action
  • Forgiving Yourself Changes Relationships
  • Perceiving from the Heart
  • A Non-Orienting Orientation
  • Beyond Trusting Life
  • Facing the Honesty of Your Experience
  • The Colossal Unknown
  • Freedom in the World of Form
  • Two Key Elements of Meditative Inquiry
  • Responding to Physical Pain
  • Who Is Choosing Anything?
  • Working with Doubt and Judgment

Quotes from this Download Set:

“Where we have our attention tells us what is most important to us. Our actions show us the truth of what we value most.”

“You can’t let go of something that you haven’t fully experienced.”

“The failing to forgive is an upside down form of arrogance.”

“Silence is the one thing that doesn’t have to assert itself.”

“The cause of any one action is the result of what’s happening everywhere.”

“If we are able to forgive oneself, we change the whole energy of all our relations.”

“The idea of trusting or not trusting life never enters my mind because I don’t see myself as other than life.”

“If it wasn’t for delusion, clarity would never come.”

“Meditation happens in the absence of making it happen.”

“The unknown is the heart of existence.”

“If we can embrace the unknown of death, there comes a being at peace with life.”

“Meditation is not about the pursuit of a state.”

“The more awake we become, the more precise the mind becomes.”

“At the end of the day, surrender is the name of the game.”

Recorded in Tahoe City, California on September 17-23, 2016.
© 2016 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-640