Silent Retreat Vol. 62

Asilomar Dec 2017 ~ Talks 6 MP3 Download 6 hrs. 38 min. $50.00  $37.50

This 6-download set contains all of the Talks from the December 2017 silent retreat at Asilomar Conference Grounds, including the first evening talk and the morning talks.

Please Note: The Q&A Sessions and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately.

Talk Topics Include:

  • The Wilderness of Your Being
  • Completely Entering this Moment
  • The Unboundedness of Spirit
  • “Being” as the Holy Ghost
  • How Love and Truth are the Same and Different
  • Entering the Kingdom
  • What Mary Magdalene Represents
  • How Jesus Reoriented People
  • The Redemption of Shame
  • The “You” Beyond the Knowledge of You
  • Forgiving Our Own Humanness
  • Offering Yourself to the Divine Impulse
  • Letting Go into Complete Stillness
  • Removing Egoic and Spiritual Narrative
  • Embodiment Is an Inside-Out Process
  • The Beingness that Transcends Everything

Quotes from this Download Set:

“Jesus stories are not history lessons—they are meant to act on you like poetry.”

“It can’t be overstated how potent deep silence is.”

“Love and truth are like the front and back of your hand.”

“A truth question used wisely is meant to expose untruth.”

“What is God without the thought of God?”

“Can you get entirely into the moment without any reservation whatsoever?”

“Recognize what’s right in front of you—wherever you happen to be at any moment—and you’ll recognize the ultimate nature of everything.”

“Love is the embodiment of transcendent truth.”

“The deepest experience of love is realization of non-separation.”

“The ‘I Am’ is not particular to Jesus or Buddha—it’s in all.”

“The secret to letting go is to fully consent to holding on.”

“There is only the Self. If this proves true, then wherever we happen to be is sufficient.”

Recorded in Pacific Grove, California on December 3-8, 2017.
© 2017 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-713