Taking a Direct Look at Self

April 25, 2012 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 41 min. $10.00

What does it mean to enter into our aloneness? In this deeply perceptive series of short talks in response to emailed questions, Adyashanti explores uniqueness, universality, and the connections between loneliness, aloneness, and all-one-ness. He encourages us to take aim at the false conclusion of “self,” and carefully directs our attention to the infinite essence that is beyond the isolated sense of existence.

Topics Include:

  • Your Unique and Universal Journey
  • Touching into the One
  • The Question “How Am I Doing?”
  • The Bull’s-Eye of Awakening
  • Self, a Convincing Mirage
  • Tips for Dealing with Post-Awakening Energetics
  • Speaking from the Infinite
  • The Core of Vulnerability
  • Looking from a Single Eye
  • Expecting Things to Go a Certain Way
  • Abiding in Non-Abidance

Quotes from this Download:

“When you go inside, you are going into your aloneness. Nobody can go there with you.”

“When you touch into the One within you, you’ve touched into the One within all things. It’s the same infinity.”

“The moment you can enter into your aloneness, the only thing you can take inside is your awarenessnot even your thoughts about awareness.”

“As soon as you say to yourself, ‘I am this,’ it also means, ‘I am not that.’”

“The infinite perceives itself from all parts of itself.”

“Play your part. Play it well. Play it with abandon. But don’t be identified with it.”

Recorded on April 25, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-146