The Core of Spirituality

September 30, 2009 1 MP3 Download 2 hrs. 2 min. $10.00

The Core of Spirituality: Shifting from Content to Context

The core of all spirituality is actually about one thing: moving our attention from the content of our human experience—thoughts, emotions, beliefs, self-definitions—to the immense context of spirit in which all experience happens. In this illuminating talk, Adyashanti explores how relaxing the mind’s obsessive grip can deliver us to our essential nature and enable us to live as a full expression of it.

Topics Include:

  • What Is Content and Context?
  • How the Shift Happens
  • How the Shift Is Just a Beginning
  • What Puts You Back in Content
  • The Key to True Nature Fully Expressing Itself
  • Deep Listening

Quotes from This Download:

“There’s an immense relief in not being identified with the content of your mind. . . . you’ve just tasted the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“We don’t get rid of the world of desire—we just stop seeing self in it.”

Recorded in Arvada, Colorado, September 4, 2009.
© 2009 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-83