One of Adyashanti’s most misunderstood teachings is to “allow everything to be as it is.” People often turn this teaching into a goal to achieve or a way to justify their actions. In this clarifying talk, Adyashanti offers valuable insight on our frequent resistance to “what is” and on being completely free from the force of personal will that tries to dictate life experiences.
Topics Include:
Quotes from This Download:
“At the end of the day, who cares what anyone tells you about who you are. Know for yourself. You’re the authority of your life.”
“Spiritual insight will always weaken personal will.”
“At some point everyone comes crashing against the limitation of personal will.”
“Personal Will always thinks it has a better version of what is.”
Recorded in London, England on August 4, 2011.
© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.