The Infinite Flow of Life

May 15, 2013 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 47 min. $10.00

There is a deep, sublime peace that comes when we stop resisting the flow of the Infinite. In a strong, all-embracing teaching, Adyashanti brings together two seemingly opposing qualities of consciousness: the unmoving world of eternal stillness, and the changing world of motion and flow. In discussions that follow, he examines the psychological addiction to self-judgment, and how to realize the infinite potential of the Godhead.

Topics Include: States of Perception / Contracting from Overwhelming Love / The Self-Centeredness of Grasping and Pushing Away / The Freedom of Nonresistance / The Positive Feeling of Flow / Identifying with Shadow Material / The Horrifying Experience of Judgment / When the Ego Plays the Part of God / Looking through the Lens of Enlightenment / Entering into Eternal Life

Quotes from this Satsang: “The thing that’s absolute about Truth is its infinity, and there’s nothing about infinity that’s fixed.” • “Judgment of others and oneself, which is rampant in Western society, sets you at odds against the flow of life.” • “You may start to encounter your shadow material, but none of it limits you until you push it away or grab at it.” • “Within you, as you, is an infinity of pure potential, now appearing as a body, and all bodies in the universe and beyond.” • “With each outbreath, your body is showing you what it feels like to let go. Listen to the universe inside of you.”

Recorded on May 15, 2013.
© 2013 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-166