What does it mean to be the student of a spiritual teacher? In this hour-long talk about the dynamic between the student, the teacher, and the teaching, Adyashanti describes the intuitive resonance that empowers a deep and profound commitment, enabling the student to become more available to the energetic current of the lineage. In email answers and dialogues that follow, he reveals the truth about spiritual powers and practical ways to heal from extreme burnout.
Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
“If we expect to have the teaching reveal a depth of our being, we can’t stay in a consumer mind-state or an entertainment mind-state. You have to commit to something.”
“The commitment isn’t between you and me, but between you and something really deep and profound. That’s the commitment that counts.”
“A lineage is a portal, an energetic open space that can help open you to the revelation of who you really are.”
Recorded on November 14, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.