The Living Flame of Divine Knowledge

Retreat Talks by Adyashanti 3 MP3 Download 3 hrs. 5 min. $20.00

“Divine knowledge is the direct and immediate perception of the ever-living reality beyond self, beyond self-obsession, and beyond self-concern. Only when self falls away can divine knowledge truly come alive; only then is infinite reality realized from within itself.” ~ Adyashanti

In this engaging sequence of three talks from the 2014 Tahoe Retreat, Adyashanti opens a direct entrance into divine knowledge—the perception of divine reality from within and as divine reality. He takes us beyond the limitations of the mind’s preoccupation with its points of view, preferences, and self-orientation. When we are no longer enmeshed in self-referencing, even spiritual self-referencing, we become open to unimaginable vistas of understanding, insight and love, and can perceive everything from the ground of ultimate reality.

Topics Include:

  • What’s Driving Your Spirituality?
  • Self-Orientation Blocks the Way to Truth
  • The Direct Route to the Ground of Existence
  • Your Seeing Is God’s Seeing
  • What Is Divinity Exactly?
  • Embracing Your Humanity from the Divine Ground
  • Realizing Truth from Inside It vs. Outside It
  • Recognizing the Unknown Self and Known Self
  • Views on Psychological Healing
  • The Complete Falling Away of Self
  • The Separation, Violence, and Distortion of Anchored Points of View
  • Human Connection through Un-Anchored Views
  • The Great Potential of a Humble Mind
  • The Robust and Open Heart in Turmoil

Quotes from this Download Set:

"Spiritual insight can sprout new forms of self-centeredness, new forms of arrogance, and new forms of dividing the world into the awake and unawake.”

"Self is always in relationship to its experience, to its perceptions. When we go beyond self, there’s no relationship between self and what is experienced. There’s just the immediacy of being the entire field of experience—being it, versus ‘me’ experiencing it.”

“When all of the veils and disguises of the self have been revealed to be false and empty of any value or meaning whatsoever, only then does the self fall away naturally and effortlessly.”

“In order for divine knowledge to come alive within you, your mind must not be anchored to anything.”

“A humble mind is a mind at rest.”

Please Note: The recordings on this download were originally published in the download set, Silent Retreat Vol. 39 ~ Tahoe May 2014 ~ Talks

Recorded at Granlibakken Conference Center in Tahoe City, California on May 19, 21, and 22, 2014.
© 2014 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-503