The Present Creates the Past

Retreat Talk 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 28 min. $10.00

This talk has been selected as a highlight from the October 2015 silent retreat at Granlibakken Tahoe in Lake Tahoe.

Topics Include:

  • The Present Creates the Past
  • Separation Via Interpretation
  • How Teachings Become New Anchored Beliefs
  • Living with an Ongoing Question
  • Everything Is Everything
  • The Ordinary Is the Extraordinary

Quotes from this Download:

“We believe that our past creates our present, but the present creates the past.”

“Even the belief in oneness has to go in order to see truth.”

“‘I’ doesn’t recognize God; God recognizes God.”

“There is no such thing as a tree without the sun. The tree IS the sun.”

“‘Emptiness’ is a way of saying ‘oneness.’”

PLEASE NOTE: This talk is also included in the complete set of talks from Silent Retreat Vol. 47: Tahoe Oct 2015 ~ Talks

Recorded in Tahoe City, California on October 22, 2015.
© 2015-2016 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-622