The Revelation of Grace

January 19, 2011 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 53 min. $10.00

Adyashanti begins this diverse and dynamic talk with answers to emailed questions exploring the topics of grace, stillness, awakening, witnessing, and divine form. He continues with call-in dialogues with callers from Toronto, Boston, and Vancouver. “Opening ourselves to Grace is very important. It gets you out of the sense of the ego’s will. It’s when the ego becomes open that Grace has an avenue to get in, to reveal itself.“

Topics Include:

  • Grace, Stillness, and Awakening
  • What to Do about Slow and Lonely Stillness
  • The Witness and Witnessing
  • The Deeper Revelation of Divine Form
  • The Selflessness that Precedes No-Self
  • What’s Spirituality About for You?
  • The Story-Telling Ego
  • Fear and Trust
  • What Opens You To Grace
  • Spiritual Practice and Depression
  • Authentic vs. Habitual Seeking

Quotes from this Download:

“Letting go of identifying yourself as awareness allows the realization to go deeper.”

“The substance of everything is the divine. This is not something you believe, it’s something you realize.”

“If you want high states of consciousness, don’t go to no-self.”

“Depression can be a very natural response to an old way of being dying.”

Recorded on January 19, 2011.
© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-116