The Virgin Birth

December 14, 2011 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 33 min. $10.00

Adyashanti begins this broadcast with reflections on inquiry and contemplation, and then conveys a revealing perspective on the Christian story of the virgin birth. The program continues with answers to emailed questions and dialogues with callers from Vancouver, Baja Mexico, and Minnesota.

Topics Include:

  • Inquiry as Contemplation
  • Truth vs. Fact
  • The Virgin Birth
  • The Story of Embodiment
  • A Simple Regard for Awareness
  • Beyond “The First Kiss” of Truth
  • “Walking in Mud” Density after Awakening
  • The Nature of Death
  • Feeling Too Open

Quotes from this Download:

“The virgin birth is the arising into the appearance of time and space of that which is eternal and immortal and timeless.”

“Freedom matures into something beautiful and simple. It lives in the ordinary moments.”

“Embodiment is finding the peace in everything, in whatever you’re doing, in your busy day.”

“When you come back here and function through the body-mind, in order for Spirit to function in a clear and undistorted way, usually there’s some housecleaning that takes place.”

Recorded on December 14, 2011.
© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-134