Often when we experience turmoil in our lives, we think something outside ourselves will rescue us from our unhappiness. But eventually we run up against a wall because we can no longer delude ourselves into thinking that something external has the ability to save us. In this compelling, straight-to-the-core talk, Adyashanti shows us how such an inescapable situation can be a powerful point of transition that makes possible a deep kind of listening, a reaching beyond self, where we can discover the core pattern that is the real cause of our suffering.
Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
“When we come into a very deep state of listening, we’re relinquishing that part of one’s being that is always trying to assert itself: the commentator.”
“Better identities don’t bring lasting happiness. . . . Even if your identity is really spiritual, it will always have a limitation.”
“Often in the transition time, it’s kind of a rocky road. Your whole system has to reorient itself around something other than self.”
“Letting go of self is simple, but it’s not always easy.”
“If you’re going to look at your life, look simply through the lens of ‘Is my life an expression of the deepest thing I know to be true?’”
Recorded on April 18, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.