In this powerful talk, Adyashanti explores two archetypal aspects of our true being, Jesus and the Buddha. He invites us to recognize how the image of the Buddha’s deep, immovable stillness is accessible within us all—it is what we are. However, to realize only this element of the Buddha’s awakening is not complete freedom. Adyashanti illustrates how the story of Jesus portrays a lived expression of eternal being—something that comes from embracing our profound aloneness, which paradoxically is at the heart of our unified nature.
Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
“True stillness is what is still now, not what could become still later.”
“Awakening is free, but to live it will cost you everything.”
“Until we are open to the depth of aloneness, then to relate from being is difficult.”
“Pay attention to what you are for and not to what you are against.”
Recorded in Oakland, California on February 16, 2013.
© 2013 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.