Exploring Revelatory Moments

December 16, 2015 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 39 min. $10.00

How can we understand and incorporate experiences of awakening and the falling away of self? In this visionary, illuminating, and insightful program, Adyashanti offers extended responses to three emails from participants with questions about awakening and the experience of no-self. There are no call-in dialogues.

Topics Include:

Seeing Everything Through and Through
How the Ego Gains Advantage
Undercutting the Search
Restructuring Your Consciousness
Choice and No Choice
Loss of Your Inner Life
Making the Most of Revelatory Moments
Becoming the Infinite Reality That You Are

Quotes from this Download:

“What we put our attention on grows; what we grasp onto, however, causes its diminishment.”

“The highest form of knowing is to enter completely into a state of unknowing.”

“When someone says, ‘I’m ready!’ this precludes awakening because the ego is occupying the space. Instead, awakening happens when the ego is distracted from its own pursuits. Just see all the ways that ego grasps for experience -- this is the real problem.”

“The act of doing something to get the realization back IS the act of separation. Don’t try to recreate the experience or the intensity. Is there part of the experience that is still with you? Without grasping for it, can you put your attention on what is there and just receive it?”

“The mind is fickle. What it sees one moment, it obscures in the next. Just acknowledge what’s already here now. Acknowledgement undercuts the search. Make the mind a study of observation of what is happening now. How does your mind obscure?”

“Make a study of yourself -- not by solving, escaping, or judging. Use discipline without fighting yourself, even if you get lost 100 times in an hour. You’re literally restructuring your consciousness.”

“The knowledge we have of God isn't God. The knowledge we have of Self isn't Self. The knowledge we have of Reality isn't Reality. But the being of it is the highest form of knowledge.”


“The falling away of the self isn’t going beyond anything; it's just falling away. This is not a honeymoon but a new state of being. You don’t come back from it. Relax.”

Recorded on December 16, 2015.
© 2015 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-203

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