What is it that’s reading these words right now? What’s peering through your eyes? We say, “I’m looking,” but is it actually true that there is an “I” doing anything? In this 5-download set from the 2011 Amsterdam intensive, Adyashanti asks us to re-examine the very foundation of how we see and operate in the world. The amazing consciousness that has been sought for centuries is always available to be seen right now—with the eyes of the Buddha.
Topics Include:
Quotes from This Download Set:
“The totality of our being is a great reservoir of wisdom.”
“One of the most potent spiritual practices is the recognition of what is here rather than the cultivated pursuit of what isn’t here.”
“The story of my life is unfolding within the infinity of no story.”
“Truth in reality is not something you can believe in—it just is. Illusion is something you can believe in—because it isn’t.”
“As long as we’re pursuing the vastness, it’s like a droplet of water in the ocean pursuing wetness. It’s closer than here—it’s actually this.”
“The question ‘why’ leads us deeper into the trance state.”
Recorded in Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13 and 14, 2011.
© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.