When we encounter the deeper reality of our being—that One alone exists—many experience a disturbing sense of loneliness or disconnection. Adyashanti reveals how to move through this often disturbing aspect of truth to the astonishing connectedness that is possible when the Absolute flows into action on our human journey. This talk explores aspects of aloneness and relationship, and includes a poignant collective prayer for those who are feeling desperate and disconnected in their spiritual journey.
Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
“Reality gives us a real clarity about what is healthy and unhealthy, and what to do about it.”
“Thought is an amazing creative force, and a double-edged sword. If you’re not careful, it starts to use you rather than you using it.”
“It’s a profound human accomplishment to see each other as real and not just our projections of each other.”
Recorded on December 5, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.