When we see a tree, we don’t see the root—we just see its manifestation. In a similar fashion, we usually perceive reality as separate forms and miss that spirit is the one root of all existence. In this talk, Adyashanti reveals the enlightened perspective of seeing through thought-created separation, and recognizing that everything in this moment is the infinite expression of spirit.
Topics Include:
Quotes from This Download:
“There is only infinite spirit in all of its forms, nonforms, and expressions.”
“Enlightenment is not something to be gained; delusion is something to be lost.”
“The reality of most human beings is the voice of the narrator in their head.”
“It’s not about getting rid of thought—it’s about seeing through thought.”
Recorded in Oakland, CA, on October 15, 2011.
?© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.