Seeing with Eyes of Innocence

Palo Alto Meeting ~ 11/19/17 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 44 min. $10.00

What would it be like to look at everything that happens in life not from seemingly compelling interpretations, labels, or judgments, but rather from the eyes of timeless innocence? Adyashanti transmits subtle qualities associated with this gaze of eternity in order to evoke the discovery of this innocence directly for ourselves.

Talk Topics Include:

  • Adya’s Initial Seeing of the Timeless
  • How We Discount Foretastes of Timelessness
  • Returning to Innocence
  • Experiencing True Nature Now
  • How Drama Is So Compelling
  • Divine Disinterest
  • Being Intimate with Not Knowing
  • Putting Your Thoughts in Neutral

Q&A Topics Include:

  • Reconnecting to Foretastes of Enlightenment
  • Dancing Out the Dance of Your Conditioning

Quotes from this Download:

“Real spiritual practice is the act of no longer relating to your mental states as significant or compelling.”

“Meditation is the act of exercising a divine disinterest.”

“All spiritual practices are ways to engage with a kind of innocence, an uncertainty, an unknowing.” 

“The gaze of the timeless is in everybody and everything.”

Recorded in Palo Alto, California on November 19, 2017.
© 2017 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-705

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