Silent Retreat Vol. 50

Kanuga 2016 ~ Talks 7 MP3 Download 7 hrs. 1 min. $45.00

This 7-download set includes Adyashanti’s morning Talks from the March 2016 silent retreat at Kanuga Conference Center, including the opening evening talk. (The final session, which includes a talk followed by dialogues, is included in both the Talks and the Q&A download sets.)

Please Note: The Q&A Sessions and Guided Meditations from this retreat must be purchased separately and are also available in download form. 

Talk Topics Include:

  • What’s Your Deepest Drive?
  • The Power of Sustaining Creative Tension
  • Paralleling Meditation and Music
  • We’re Always in the Moment
  • Surrendering Trying to Control
  • Meditating with Ease & Commitment
  • The Mind’s Double-Edged Sword
  • The Larger Context of Awareness
  • The Process of Ego Development
  • Undifferentiated Consciousness
  • Unity vs. “Mergity”
  • The Gifts of Healthy Ego Structures
  • The Empty Center of Ego
  • Immature vs. Mature Awakening
  • Letting Life Come to You
  • Unlocking New Dimensions of Your Consciousness
  • Innate Curiosity
  • The Impact of Each Moment
  • Your Values in Every Action
  • Letting Go of the Perfection Pursuit

Quotes from this Download Set:

“Meditation is the art of listening with the whole body.”

“When we stop trying to control our experience, then something totally fresh arises.”

“The mind’s most masterful act is creating the idea of ourselves.”

“The fundamental practice is to rest as awareness.”

“Most suffering is basically the way you’re misperceiving life.”

“If you look inside and ask ‘Who am I?’ and don’t get an answer, that’s the beginning of getting an answer.”

“What keeps you searching is the imagination that it’s not here.”

“One indicator of spiritual awakening vs. spiritual experience is that you realized it’s been there all along. Spiritual experiences come and go; spiritual maturity realizes that all experiences are impermanent.”

“If we’re pursuing something beyond the present moment, then it’s really hard to see what is in the present.”

“It is actually a beautiful thing and part of spiritually growing up to realize that nobody can give you the truth or reality.”

“Every moment is a manifestation of what you value.”

“When we can finally let go of the narcissistic obsession with trying to be the perfect person, we can actually just refocus on being the true person.

Recorded at Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina on March 20-26, 2016.
© 2016 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-617