Silent Retreat Vol. 54

Omega Oct 2016 ~ Talks 6 MP3 Download 6 hrs. 38 min. $45.00

This 6-download set includes all of the morning Talks with Adyashanti from the October 2016 silent retreat at Omega Institute, including the first evening talk.

Please Note: The Q&A Sessions and Guided Meditations from this retreat must be purchased separately and are also available in MP3 format.

Talk Topics Include:

  • The Misguided Search for Enlightenment
  • The Cosmic Joke of Existence
  • The Mind Creates Self
  • Your Inside Is the Outside
  • The Simple Sense of Being
  • How We Miss Awareness
  • Thought Isn’t the Problem
  • Unfusing the Trance State
  • Self as an Addiction
  • The Context Beyond “Me”
  • Recognizing Your Myths of Reality
  • Realizing Emptiness
  • The Awakened Nature of Being
  • Gaining Precision with Self-Inquiry
  • Spiritual Failure
  • The Risk of Transcendence
  • The You with No Past

Quotes from this Download Set:

“If you were to do nothing else, abide with the simple, immediate, intuitive sense of being.”

“You don’t need to open mind to the vastness—it’s already vast.”

“If you could tell someone everything about you, there would still be something about you that could intuitively sense that they don’t know.”

“The context of this moment is your own awareness. You can’t think awareness into existence.”

“When you go beyond yourself, you don’t take yourself with you.”

“The self is there only when your mind is producing it. As soon as thinking stops, so does the self.”

“We are the world experiencing itself.”

“There actually isn’t a thing called ego; it can’t be surgically removed.”

“To be, and not to be, that is the reality.”

“We can come into the greatest experience of our presence by coming to the experience of our absence.”

“We’ve got to fall out of our minds to come to reality.”

“When you actually experience that everything is one, it’s the experience of extraordinary love.”

“The boundless nature of awareness is a constant. There’s nothing you can do to create it; there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it.”

“The door to liberation is seeing there isn’t some entity inside that’s aware—awareness itself is aware.”

“We miss the fundamental realization because we go on a search for something. It’s not the search that’s the problem; it’s the way we search.”

“In the present moment you have no past.”

Recorded in Rhinebeck, New York on October 7-14, 2016.
© 2016 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-648