In this engaging year-end broadcast following his recent study course on the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj and silent retreat inspired by Christian teachings, Adyashanti reflects on the diversity of spiritual traditions, each of which carries its unique transmission of Reality. Like a jewel with many facets, Reality itself is not limited to a particular facet and is undefinable. A mystic in today’s world needs a vaster perspective, one that simultaneously embraces the relative and absolute perspectives.
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Quotes from this Download:
“Even though it’s beyond your body and feelings and emotions, the more you recognize awareness and bring more awareness to awareness, the more you’ll feel it in your body as a sense of presence, peacefulness, calmness, and silence.”
“The ancient Christian tradition emphasizes seeing the divine in the human and seeing the human in the divine. It’s a wonderful counterpart to the absolute. It’s a way of being fully and deeply engaged in the divinity of existence.”
“Life seems to operate best when we see that everything is perfectly okay and nothing matters, and simultaneously, see that everything matters.”
“Begin by acknowledging the presence of awareness. It’s functioning whether you understand it or not.”
“A sign of deep spiritual maturity is being able to see the various facets of reality simultaneously and operate from them simultaneously.”
Recorded on December 10, 2014.
© 2014 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.