The Dawning of Curiosity

Sep 28, 2022, Sep 2, 2015 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 36 min. $10.00

“To transcend suffering isn’t the same as to uproot it. It’s the natural intelligence of your curiosity that has the power to uproot it.” In this focused and inspiring 90-minute talk, Adyashanti explores the essence and power of true meditation and describes how curiosity is the key that awakens the intelligence of consciousness and uproots the seeds of sorrow and conflict.

Topics Include:

  • Meditation as a Commitment to Sanity
  • The Futility of Escape
  • The Limitations of Transcendence
  • The Dawning of Curiosity
  • The Primal Contraction
  • Unfolding a Higher Possibility
  • Aligning with Your Deepest Intention

Quotes from this Download:

“Meditation is a demonstration of our commitment to sanity.”

“A deep and profound curiosity lies at the heart of the spiritual impulse.”

“The nature of insight is that body, mind, and spirit all link up. It’s all one revelation, not divided.”

“In the end, our intention is more important than anything we do.”

“Don’t think that you have to go through another cycle of difficulty; just go to the innate curiosity.”

“When the will of the whole or the will of God starts to come alive in you, wisdom and love begin to move in very subtle, very ordinary ways.”

“The truth of our being isn’t contracted. At the deepest level of our being, we’re in a very conscious state of unity. This state is there from the beginning; we just don’t notice it. . . . Real freedom is not an addition to our experience, it is already the ground of our being."

Recorded on September 2, 2015.
© 2015 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-199

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