This intimate Meeting begins with an extended talk in which Adyashanti speaks for 75 mintues about the greatest obstacle to spiritual awakening and its dissolution. Weaving stories from his days as a student with more recent accounts, he invites us to stop where we are, leave teachers behind, and find out what is inherently ours.
Topics Include:
Quotes from This Download:
"We are each our own savior."
"There are two kinds of seekers: Those who seek happiness by changing outer circumstances, and those who seek happiness by trying to change themselves. Neither way works."
"Just be an unelightened mess! Allow yourself to be a mess. Clarity will arise."
"When we know we don't know what to do, we become wiser."
Recorded in Oakland, CA, on March 20, 2010.
© 2010 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.