What Awakening Really Is

August 29, 2012 1 MP3 Download 2 hrs. 5 min. $10.00

In this rich hour-long talk, Adyashanti describes the three phases of awakening that enable us, through purification and awareness, to let go of even the most subtle magnetic force of the mind’s content. He directs our attention toward the beauty and divinity of the realm of being/unity, and explains how to meet what may arise within the body and mind at odds with the recognition of truth. Finally we move into the realm of true knowing outside of imagination, and we touch into the clear seeing of the infinite absolute.

Topics Include:

  • Relinquishing the Content of Mind
  • The Danger of Spiritualized Content
  • Purification and the Absolute
  • The Recognition of Suchness
  • Breaking the Pull of Velcro Thoughts
  • The Realm of the Infinite
  • The Ground of Stopping
  • True Manifestation through Surrender
  • Help at the Critical Moment
  • Grasping Pushes Things Away
  • Wanting without Investment

Quotes from this Download:

“All of your thinking doesn’t add one iota to the reality of anything.”

“What’s really called for at any moment of purification is acceptance and stillness.”

“People think an enlightened being knows everything. It’s really just the opposite. The enlightened being knows nothing.”

“One should never try to leap-frog ahead of their own evolution. The fastest way to get nowhere is to be always trying to get somewhere.”

“Each of these phases of awakening can be felt as a death.”

Recorded on August 29, 2012.
© 2012 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDR-151