Silent Meditation Day Vol. 3

Oakland April 2017 6 MP3 Download 2 hrs. 7 min. $20.00

Whether you are new to meditation or a long-time meditator, Adyashanti’s Silent Meditation Days offer profound insight and direct experience into the essential nature of our true being and the evolving expression of this essence. Adyashanti reveals how to move beyond hindrances that arise in meditation practice and offers vital pointers that allow the natural state of awareness to more vividly reveal itself in meditation.

Opening Talk Topics Include:

  • Being Gentle vs. Judging Oneself
  • Becoming Conscious of Thought

Dharma Talk Topics Include:

  • Noticing Unmanifest Awareness
  • The Unity of Conditioned and Unconditioned Mind
  • The Peace Already Within
  • Natural Allowance of What Is
  • Meditation Is a Leap of Faith
  • The Highest Forms of Prayer
  • Seeing through the Meditator

Guided Meditation Titles Include:

  • The Pristine Space
  • Relaxing Conditioned Reflexes
  • The Natural State of Being

(Please Note: The content of these guided meditations may be similar to that of previous guided meditations released on CDs and downloads.)

Closing Remarks Topic:

  • Living from Your Depth

Quotes from this Download Set:

“The only person that really disturbs us is ourselves—what disturbs us is whatever the mind tells ourselves about what is happening.”

“Rather than directing awareness, you rest as awareness.”

“We don’t want to end up in a state of duality where the content and context are seen as conflicting; in fact, they are one.”

“What arises in consciousness is consciousness.”

“There’s a peace and quiet already there, even before we try in meditation to become peaceful and quiet.”

“Notice that your unmanifest awareness is already allowing everything to be as it is.”

“Freedom is not a state—it’s an insight into the nature of your reality.”

“The highest forms of prayer eventually lead you beyond words.”

“Instead of you breathing, it’s God breathing you.”

“When meditation finds you, all technique disappears because there’s no meditator there, just meditation.”

Recorded in Oakland, California on April 29, 2017.
© 2017 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-676