Alpha | Date
12 |  48 |  112
Audio Excerpts
  • The Dimension of Soul
    The Dimension of Soul
    From: Infinite Well-Being
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  • Facets of Reality
    Facets of Reality
    From: Behold the Fluidity of Truth
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  • A Commitment to Your Practice
    A Commitment to Your Practice
    From: Waking Up All the Way
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  • Believing in Our Separation
    Believing in Our Separation
    From: The Unified Expression of the All
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  • Loosening the Structure of Ego
    Loosening the Structure of Ego
    From: The Search for Meaning
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  • Meaning and Purpose
    Meaning and Purpose
    From: The Unified Expression of the All
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  • Our Need for "Why" Stories
    Our Need for "Why" Stories
    From: The Search for Meaning
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  • The Intuitive Capacity of Quiet Mind
    The Intuitive Capacity of Quiet Mind
    From: Purity of Being
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  • The Presence under the Personality
    The Presence under the Personality
    From: Purity of Being
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  • Trusting Inner Solitude
    Trusting Inner Solitude
    From: Waking Up All the Way
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  • An Inquiry into Truth
    An Inquiry into Truth
    From: Seeing Nothing and Everything
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  • Finding Self as Nothingness
    Finding Self as Nothingness
    From: Seeing Nothing and Everything
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  • The Resistance to Opening
    The Resistance to Opening
    From: The Power of Openness
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  • Insights, Openings, and Contractions
    Insights, Openings, and Contractions
    From: The Power of Openness
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  • An Array of Perspectives
    An Array of Perspectives
    From: Freedom in Every State
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  • Conditioning Is a Given
    Conditioning Is a Given
    From: Intimacy with Everything
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  • Grasping at Self-Transcendent Moments
    Grasping at Self-Transcendent Moments
    From: Exploring Revelatory Moments
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  • Perceptions of Reality
    Perceptions of Reality
    From: Freedom in Every State
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  • Seeing Through Your Own Illusions
    Seeing Through Your Own Illusions
    From: Exploring Revelatory Moments
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  • The Return
    The Return
    From: Intimacy with Everything
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  • Dropping the Attachment to Spiritual Stimulation
    Dropping the Attachment to Spiritual Stimulation
    From: The Dissolution of Identity
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  • Three Awakeners
    Three Awakeners
    From: The Gift of Uncertainty
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  • The Essence of Meditation
    The Essence of Meditation
    From: The Wonderment Instinct
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  • The Shift of Identity
    The Shift of Identity
    From: The Dissolution of Identity
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  • Waking Up from Self
    Waking Up from Self
    From: The Gift of Uncertainty
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  • Receding from the Exterior Self
    Receding from the Exterior Self
    From: Returning to the Absolute Source
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  • What Autumn and Winter Can Bring Forth in Us
    What Autumn and Winter Can Bring Forth in Us
    From: Returning to the Absolute Source
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  • Why Is There Suffering
    Why Is There Suffering
    From: In the Face of the Infinite
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  • An Inquiry into Wanting
    An Inquiry into Wanting
    From: The Existential Drive to Truth
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  • Learning Our Name
    Learning Our Name
    From: Wholeness Beyond Belief
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  • The Spiritual Orientation beyond Feeling Better
    The Spiritual Orientation beyond Feeling Better
    From: The Existential Drive to Truth
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  • We Live in Different Worlds
    We Live in Different Worlds
    From: Wholeness Beyond Belief
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  • A Foundation in Silence
    A Foundation in Silence
    From: The Full Aliveness of Being
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  • The Body Is an Instrument of Spirit
    The Body Is an Instrument of Spirit
    From: The Full Aliveness of Being
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  • Dealing with Judgement from Others
    Dealing with Judgement from Others
    From: Freedom from Separation
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  • The Illusion of Separation
    The Illusion of Separation
    From: Freedom from Separation
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  • On Being Challenged
    On Being Challenged
    From: Clear Sky Consciousness
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  • An Intro to Bankei and The Unborn Buddha Mind
    An Intro to Bankei and The Unborn Buddha Mind
    From: Clear Sky Consciousness
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  • All Experience Is Illumined
    All Experience Is Illumined
    From: The One’s Intuitive Regard
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  • It’s Happening within You
    It’s Happening within You
    From: The One’s Intuitive Regard
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  • Getting beyond the Attainment Impulse
    Getting beyond the Attainment Impulse
    From: The Essential Ground of Undifferentiated Being
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  • Our Togetherness
    Our Togetherness
    From: Converging Inner & Outer Life
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  • Out-of-the-Box Spirituality
    Out-of-the-Box Spirituality
    From: Converging Inner & Outer Life
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  • Right Action
    Right Action
    From: The All-Encompassing View
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  • The Ground of Each Experience
    The Ground of Each Experience
    From: The Nature of Experience
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  • Struggle and Transformation
    Struggle and Transformation
    From: Letting Go of Struggle
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  • The Reality of Paradox
    The Reality of Paradox
    From: The All-Encompassing View
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  • A Movement of Wholeness
    A Movement of Wholeness
    From: The Falling Away of Personal Will
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  • Pulled beyond the Personal Will
    Pulled beyond the Personal Will
    From: The Falling Away of Personal Will
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  • Accessing the Wisdom Within
    Accessing the Wisdom Within
    From: I’ll Meet You in the Quiet Spaces
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  • The Aloneness of Awakening
    The Aloneness of Awakening
    From: Reality-Oriented Spirituality
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  • The Immediate Experience of Being
    The Immediate Experience of Being
    From: I’ll Meet You in the Quiet Spaces
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  • The Manifestation of Thought
    The Manifestation of Thought
    From: Clarity and Transformation
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  • Watching the Mind
    Watching the Mind
    From: The Natural State of Clarity
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  • An Irrational Drive
    An Irrational Drive
    From: The Unseen Presence of Being
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  • Bringing Forth What Is Dormant
    Bringing Forth What Is Dormant
    From: Conscious Freedom
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  • Giving Room for the Mind’s Process
    Giving Room for the Mind’s Process
    From: Conscious Freedom
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  • Listening with Our Whole Being
    Listening with Our Whole Being
    From: Clarity and Transformation
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  • Living the Paradox
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  • The Invisible Presence
    The Invisible Presence
    From: The Unseen Presence of Being
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  • The Subtle and Simple Sense of Being
    The Subtle and Simple Sense of Being
    From: The Natural State of Clarity
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  • The Temptation in Awakening
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  • A Response to the Moment
    A Response to the Moment
    From: Being an Expression of Peace
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  • It’s All within You
    It’s All within You
    From: Sunday Community Practice, February 19, 2023
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  • Relinquishing the Ego
    Relinquishing the Ego
    From: Rest as Awareness
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  • Relying on Negative Emotions as a Motivator
    Relying on Negative Emotions as a Motivator
    From: Being an Expression of Peace
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  • The Basic Practice in Spirituality
    The Basic Practice in Spirituality
    From: Rest as Awareness
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  • The Innocent, Curious Place
    The Innocent, Curious Place
    From: The Present Perspective
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  • Grounded in Something beyond Words
    Grounded in Something beyond Words
    From: The Experience of No Self
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  • The Perfume of 'I'
    The Perfume of 'I'
    From: The Experience of No-Self
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  • 'I Don’t Know' as a Practice
    'I Don’t Know' as a Practice
    From: Seeing with Eyes of Innocence
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  • The Magnetic Pull of Ego
    The Magnetic Pull of Ego
    From: Sunday Community Practice, February 19, 2023
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  • Beyond Normal
    Beyond Normal
    From: Causeless Happiness
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  • Pursuing Happiness
    Pursuing Happiness
    From: Causeless Happiness
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  • Look from Awareness
    Look from Awareness
    From: The Immediacy of Awareness
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  • The Cycle of Dissatisfaction
    The Cycle of Dissatisfaction
    From: The Immediacy of Awareness
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  • Earnestness and Devotion
    Earnestness and Devotion
    From: Your Core Devotion
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  • Ever-Present Consciousness
    Ever-Present Consciousness
    From: Sunday Community Practice ~ February 19, 2023
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  • Exploring Endings
    Exploring Endings
    From: The Doorway to Now
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  • The Deep Dive
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  • The Truth of Now
    The Truth of Now
    From: The Doorway to Now
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  • Your Unique Spiritual Yearning
    Your Unique Spiritual Yearning
    From: Your Core Devotion
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  • The Content and the Context
    The Content and the Context
    From: Seeing All Is Divine
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  • Maturing Past Duality
    Maturing Past Duality
    From: Seeing All Is Divine
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  • Running on Impulse
    Running on Impulse
    From: Transcending the Layers of Consciousness
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  • States of Absorption
    States of Absorption
    From: The Source of Wisdom
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  • The Direct Path of Spirituality
    The Direct Path of Spirituality
    From: Transcending the Layers of Consciousness
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  • The Arising of Dualities
    The Arising of Dualities
    From: The Source of Wisdom
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  • A Transcendent Desire
    A Transcendent Desire
    From: Pearls on a Pig
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  • Beyond Mind and Self
    Beyond Mind and Self
    From: Getting Beyond Ego
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  • Breaking Through to a New Domain
    Breaking Through to a New Domain
    From: Our Orientation to Life
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  • Caught in the Mindstate
    Caught in the Mindstate
    From: Getting Beyond Ego
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  • Germinating the Seeds of the Teachings
    Germinating the Seeds of the Teachings
    From: Nourishing the Seeds of Wisdom
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  • Identifying with the Exterior
    Identifying with the Exterior
    From: The Power of Attention
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  • Looking for Absolutes
    Looking for Absolutes
    From: Nourishing the Seeds of Wisdom
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  • Orientation to Truth
    Orientation to Truth
    From: Pearls on a Pig
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  • The Shift to Awareness
    The Shift to Awareness
    From: The Power of Attention
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  • The Timeless Domain
    The Timeless Domain
    From: Two Instincts of Enlightenment
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  • What Gives Your Life Orientation?
    What Gives Your Life Orientation?
    From: Our Orientation to Life
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  • Why Do We Have Egos?
    Why Do We Have Egos?
    From: The Awakening of Wholeness
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  • Discovering What You Are
    Discovering What You Are
    From: The Presence of Being
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  • Go Deeper with a Simple Practice
    Go Deeper with a Simple Practice
    From: Penetrating the Mystery of You
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  • Living in Your Interpretation
    Living in Your Interpretation
    From: Jumping Off the Cliff
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  • Unified Awareness
    Unified Awareness
    From: The Simplest Thing
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  • Fear of Emptiness
    Fear of Emptiness
    From: The Nature of True Emptiness
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  • Intuitive Spiritual Practice
    Intuitive Spiritual Practice
    From: Individuality and the Totality
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  • One-Pointed Focus
    One-Pointed Focus
    From: The Simplest Thing
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  • Recognizing Aware Presence
    Recognizing Aware Presence
    From: The Presence of Being
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  • Sensing Awareness
    Sensing Awareness
    From: Penetrating the Mystery of You
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  • The Confounding Reality of You
    The Confounding Reality of You
    From: Jumping Off the Cliff
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  • The Human Process
    The Human Process
    From: Individuality and the Totality
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  • Experiences of Emptiness
    Experiences of Emptiness
    From: The Nature of True Emptiness
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